Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 2012 Show and Tell

These two groups of teddies and the hats have been knitted for the children in Africa and other counties who haven't got anything. Knitted and given with love.

Stelphanie and Carole have both been busy. Stephanie knitted the neck warmer and fingerless gloves for her friend and also had a go at felting. She handknitted the bag and then felted it. What a surprise when it came out of the washing machine this size.
Carole has also been hand lace knitting this lovely scarf and also a little sleeveless cardigan on the machie ready the summer.

Phyllis is expecting the weather to stay cool for a bit longer. She knitted this lovely sweater using her garter carriage.
Inspiration for us all to get our needles out, be it 2 or 200!

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