Sunday, December 04, 2016

December Charity Evening

This has come round so quickly!  In fact the whole year has flown by.

Once again it is our Christmas Charity Evening, (Tuesday 6th December, 8 pm) when we bring along items we have made and things that we have been given but are unable to use (new condition only please).  We pack everything up and take it to the Friends of the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton Branch.  They put everything on their sales tables and raise lots of money for the hospital.  We understand that the items we donated last year helped them to raise over £16,000  - a fantastic amount. 

What else will we be doing on Tuesday evening?  We thought that this year we would give you the opportunity to bring along a "work in progress" so that you can have some dedicated time to knit and maybe finish it before the big day. Whilst having a chat, a cup of tea and a mince pie of course!  Bring along any recently finished items too to show us - we do like to see them.  

A little reminder - we don't meet in January, so if you don't come on Tuesday our next meeting will be in February and we'll post about that nearer the time.

Do come and join us but if you can't make it, then Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

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