Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our May meeting is about to happen.

I've been so busy that the May meeting has crept up on me. The first Tuesday of the month is actually the 1st of the month as well.

We have Anne Lavene coming to talk to us and show us some of her interesting and unusual designs. Anne only uses a single bed knitting machine so everyone should be able to knit her designs.

As usual visitors are welcome to attend our meeting.

Friday, April 13, 2007

April Meeting

This month we didn't have a speaker, instead Liz was on hand with a knitting machine. She went over a few techniques which Terry Viner had shown us, just to make sure we understood them. And she demonstrated other things by request, some using holding position as dimensional knitting is very popular at the moment, and can be translated to the machine. A lot of laughter, and some learning!

Members knitting

This is a blanket knitted by Sheila using Magicolour. It is knitted using holding position to create a square. Finished with posh tassels!

More members knitting

Nina's garter carriage jumper.

Nina's jumper with cut float weaving.

Important Member

This is a very important member of our club, Phyllis. She is the lady who makes the tea and coffee, we couldn't function without her!