Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Some Goodies from our Charity Evening

Machine knitted tunic from Sheila.

Hairpin lace scarf knitted on the LK150, pattern courtesy of Elaine Cater. Knitted by Kathy.
This will keep someone's ears warm. Machine knitted by Sheila.
One of three hanknitted blankets by Janet.
Handknitted bag by Chris

An overall view of all the goodies!

December Meeting

This was our Christmas meeting and as usual we had a good evening full of chatter and seasonal cheer. And mince pies!
We were again supporting our favourite charity, The Friends of the Royal Marsden. Club members are always very generous, making varous items for them to sell, and donating unwanted gifts they have received. So our table was groaning with goodies, which we all admired. They have now all gone to the hospital, and are probably all sold!
It was nice to see some hand knitted pieces from our newer members too. They have a lot to teach us.
After much jollity, we all left and are looking forward to Christmas. Then next year we can all
There is no meeting in January but we will be back again in February when Terry Viner will be entertaining us taking machines apart for maintainance.