Saturday, February 29, 2020

Early March Meeting

Not long now till our March meeting.  I do hope you can come along on Tuesday 3rd March, 8 pm prompt.

We have Mike coming along to talk about taking photographs of our knitting.  We've checked that Mike's laptop will work with the school equipment, and how to connect everything up so there will be a visual presentation to give us some pointers.  If you can please bring a camera with you so you can have a go too - nothing like trying for yourself to get the hang of things!  The camera doesn't have to be anything special, just the one you take your holiday snaps on.

I find it useful to take a quick picture of the things I've finished knitting or crocheting so that I have a record of what I've made.  As most of my efforts are given away it's easy to forget what yarn/colour/pattern I used, but by taking a photo I have a visual record for later.

There will be time for show and tell and you could take photographs of them to start your visual record.

I look forward to seeing you.

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